My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Herbert George Wells, a distinguished English author from UK, has always been one of my favorite ever since I started reading his books. His unparalleled skills in English language presentation have been my reason for addiction to his classics.
One more feather in his cap is this wonderful eye witness narration of invasion of Earth by Martians. The reader is taken through live experience of the mere havoc created by the Martians through merciless massacre of human race and bringing it to near possible extinction. Every minute detail of the men from Mars, right from evolution of their physical form to the description of their food habits had been penned down after great research. The fact as to how weak the human race could be against the extra terrestrial weaponry and intelligence is well elicited. But for the mass destruction caused by the Martians on London and its surrounding counties killing countless humans, they see their end pouncing on them in a quite unexpected way.
How the hell could one think that these powerful men from Mars could be killed by just the invisible microbial bacteria of the Earth, to which human race has already taken immunity? The great moral of the narration, as understood by me, is that, however strong a destroying force is, its final fate is decided by something which they can never even think of, as in this book. The possible impending danger of such extra terrestrial invasions of humanity in future is cautioned by the author for the Governments to work upon.
Somehow there was some boredom experienced in the middle of the book wherein some unnecessary characters were included to drag on. Otherwise, it is a great classic to find a place in one’s library as the reader would be triggered to learn more about such science.
My rating is 4 out of 5
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