My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ravinder Singh has once again brought in an honest book to book lovers of the world. A very impressive piece of work which very humbly unfolds the beautiful moments of childhood. Very few people live them day in day out and almost everyone of us yearn to get back to those wonderful days, if we have a chance to go back in time.
This book chapter wise brought out the childhood memories of Ravinder Singh, who hails from a poor Punjabi family, settled in Odisha state of India. His parents sacrifice all their comforts just to provide a good education to the author and his brother, so that, they need not live the same life like them, in poverty.
Right from the author’s personal experience of his first school, first friends, first doctor, first medical attention, first pen, first bicycle, first full pants, first sexual exposure, first ejaculation and first love and first heart-break was brought out exquisitely, in a manner, which every one of us would love to read, as it appears to be a re-collection of one’s own experiences in the above mentioned aspects of childhood.
Men might be definitely embarrassed to read the pages, wherein, the first ejaculation of the author is so well narrated. The same pages impress a female reader as they get to know the feeling of attainment of puberty of a male and his own feelings about it, as they do not find it to read in many books.
The author’s honest confession of his first crush on his English teacher is very poetic and graceful. His ultimate heart-break when she gets married is poignant to absorb. Must have happened to many of the boys in school times, after attaining puberty. It ends with a happy note of the author securing the first rank in his CBSE Board Exams and later proceeding to complete his engineering and getting a well paid job in Infosys, a prime software giant, of the country, thus fulfilling the wishes of his parents.
The book can be coined as a Diary of the author, printed and published in book form.
My rating – 3.75/5
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