Winner of three Academy Awards and over thirty prestigious awards across the world, the film portrays a real event that took place in 1979-80 wherein six American diplomats are rescued in a dramatic way, from Iran, under the disguise of a film unit, said to be making an imaginary science fiction movie named ‘Argo’(NASA's space ship).
Iranian revolutionaries in 1979, hold all American nationals from its embassy as hostages, killing some of them, demanding extradition of the Shah, the former tyrant ruler of Iran, taking refuge in USA. Six of the embassy diplomats escape and hide in Canadian ambassador’s residence.
Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck), a CIA consultant, is deputed to Iran, to rescue the six American diplomats. Tony designs a plot to extradite the diplomats claiming them as a film production unit, exploring the location, to make a science fiction film. Their passports are faked with Canadian identities, with the help of Canadian ambassador, and all necessary arrangements of floating a fake production unit for the film is done meticulously, with the help of Hollywood studios and of course aided by the US Government. The tension mounts when they are stopped by the Iranian revolutionaries in the airport and thoroughly questioned about their identities. The last second clearance of their departure and the final take off of their flight from the Iranian territory back home safely ends the movie with a happy note. Tony gets the highest Excellence award from the CIA for his daring efforts and gets back to his family.
The movie pumps adrenaline in the second half when the diplomats leave the Canadian ambassador’s home to airport. The audience gets really tensed to see how Tony gets them out of the Revolutionary controlled international airport of Iran. The huge relief obtained after the safe take off after a highly nerve cracking security check at the airport is absolutely mind blowing. But none of the six, except one, is shown to thank Tony, for his deadly rescue operation.
The negative part of the film is that the activists and the movement in Iran at that time is shown as extremism and highly unsafe for any American national in the country, which may not be the actual scenario. The basic movement and sentiment of the country seems to have been degraded and fear creating for any potential foreign visitor.
My rating is 3.75/5
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