My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The third in his novella, the author maintained his tempo of being one of the most sought after writers by the young.
Storyline: Avantika, a name very familiar with Debashish Roy, a management student at MDI, Delhi. Deb, a not so good looking guy gets hooked to a very beautiful, sexy and angelic Avantika, who loves him to her core, after she recovers from her tragic history of drug addiction. Though she is disowned by her family, Avantika gets into a passionate relationship with Deb, a fatso and good in bed type. Deb suffers from a inferior-complex due to his appearance, and wonders why such a sexy girl like Avantika had to hang on with him, for over 3 years. He doubts her character, when she had to work on a project with a sexy guy called Kabir, for which she is abandoned by him. This brings him closer to another sexy classmate, Malini who saves him from falling into a nervous depression, after he left Avantika. After some time, Malini educates Deb that his decision of abandoning Avantika was a blunder and she evicts herself out of Deb’s life, even after she falls in love with him and ofcourse lot of sexual encounters. Deb finally decides to opt for his old love Avantika, and dumps Malini, as he realizes that he never loved Malini, but only lusted for her.
Positives: The story clearly projects how pre-marital sexual affairs in colleges and schools devastate lives of today’s youth. It is clearly evident that today’s youth is mistaking lust for love and repent later when they have to live a forced married life with a stranger. It’s a lesson to many boys and girls as to how they are destroying their own lives in the name of fun and get tortured for rest of their lives when they don’t get to marry the ones whom they slept with in their college days. Can such testosterone driven infatuation ever be termed as LOVE? Would such guys and gals ever be at peace if at all they get married to someone other than those who they slept with before marriage? Million Dollar Questions…..
Negatives: This story clearly elicits the fact as to how young girls and boys in colleges, nowadays, get sexually involved with each other, as if they just don’t mind offering their bodies to each other physically, without any moral and true love lurking behind. I wonder how they get to live with a new married partner, after they involve in multiple sexual encounters with multiple partners, before marriage, in the name of fun. This is nothing but not only cheating each other but also their families and resulting kids, forever. Gives a horrible route map as to where today’s so-called modern society is leading us to.
My rating is 4 out of 5
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