My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is Plato’s version of the defence of Socrates by himself in the court of law. The defence of Socrates is divided into three main parts.
1) The defence
2) Argument to mitigate the penalty imposed on him
3)Criticism or disapproval of death sentence.
Meletus and Anytus, the main accusers of Socrates on three points that 1) Socrates doesn’t believe in Gods followed by the kingdom but advises his followers to believe in the sons of those Gods 2) Socrates is an evil doer, who searches into things under the earth and above the Sun 3) Socrates amassed huge wealth while imparting knowledge to youth, thus corrupting them. Socrates was never interested in pleading innocence in the court of law as he considered death as an eternal sleep and that one is blessed with ‘death’ to get transformed into next birth. He cleverly argues all the accusations made on him through his excellent advocacy which in turn confirm his knowledge and grip over philosophy to the greatest heights of his time. The book brings out the mind of Socrates in his own words. The way he confronts Meletus and Anytus with intelligent questioning and self explanatory answers surprise the entire court hall, including the judges. The speech goes as an Apology and at the same time rebuke of the false accusations made on him. He prays to people of Athens to try and understand his philosophy in his own style of words which may appear harsh to audience who were not ready to listen to him.
Positives: Wisdom redefined. Socrates Philosophy though difficult to understand, is brought down to near simplification, thanks to Plato and his translations. The last days of Socrates, which pulled him to court of law are some of the best teachings of Socrates, remembered by the world, and proclaimed him to be the “Father of Philosophy”.
Negatives: The book will and shall remain as a wonder to many who refuse to accept Socrates philosophy as the seed of modern world philosophical heritage.
My rating is 4 out of 5
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