My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A book brought out by The United Church of God, who claim to be the real and original followers of the doctrine of Love of God, established by Jesus Christ himself, definitely cleared many doubts in the followers of Christ and of course some of other religions too.
This book through various quotes from the Bible, brought out the simple truth about the return of Jesus Christ, for the second time into this world, this time not out of Love and Forbearance but with Wrath and Vengeance over all the mankind which failed to obey his long established Love of God, through his crucifixion.
Various myths about the birth of the Christ, his lifestyle, his family connections, his miracles, his preaching against the Roman priests, accusations upon him by his own community and disciples, his painful death through crucifixion, his resurrection from the grave, origin of the Cross, Origin of the names Jesus and Christ, and his message to his disciples etc have been scientifically explained in this book with chronological and documented details. Even a non-Christian would be convinced about the reality in the existence of the Son of God once upon a time and his sure-shot return back to this world, right at the time when mankind faces the verge of extinction.
Pros: Some doubts about the birthday of the Christ and the day of Resurrection have been so well explained. After reading this book, one would get a clear idea as to how the original Bible has been mis-interpreted and manipulated for the benefit of its present day preachers. The science behind the deadly punishment methodology of Romans called “crucifixion” is my favorite topic in this book. One would keep wondering about the startling revelation that Jesus came into this world long back just to fulfill the prophesies of the Old Testament and bear the sins of mankind but not to become the King of Jews: and that he is bound to come back this time not as the Christ the Saviour, but as Christ the Creator & Ruler of God’s own Kingdom.
Cons: Apart from some un-heard facts in the Bible, rightly revealed, I somehow felt that the book was targeted at creating fear amongst the non-followers of Christianity with respect to their chances of being expelled from the forthcoming Kingdom of God. Some questions like what was the sanctity of the religions and beliefs that existed many thousands of years even before the Birth of the Christ? And why only Jews and only the territory around the Middle Eastern countries was the center of discussion in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible? Were people of other parts of the world not a matter of concern to the so-called God? How does the father of Jesus, Jehovah look like? Why doesn’t He appear on Earth and put an end to all the sins and flaws of mankind forever? Why, What, and When....are the million dollar questions that need to be yet answered.
My favorite quote in the book
“Enter by the narrow gate, He tells us, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it”
My rating is 4.25 out of 5
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